for the camera!!! LOL!!
Coolness George and Nettie!! Keep up the good work!
I get to get a colonoscopy and a esophagogastroduodenoscopy on Nov 3rd. Yippee!! Hopefully they can figure this crap out. (No pun intended.)
We have made it a week :) George is doing great so very happy that we have each other to help us through this :)
Sparkle power works....I still have the rings my ex gave me.
George, Nettie ... congrats on making it this far & keep up the good work. The patch helped me quite a bit, as did peppermint candy canes. :-) Drink tons of water, and yes ... Tension Tamer tea is a life saver!
WTG George & Jeannette! keep it up! deep breaths! count backwards from 10! dring lots of water! occupy your hands! & stay away from other smokers.
Wow Mel, sparklies :) and it is weird that your ex gives you jewelry, but I agree, Hey!
Hang in there George and Nettie. You guys can do it.
In addition to the gifts I already got from Dale for my bday, I got diamond earrings today. They are 1/2 carat hoops. Very pretty. It is a little strange having my ex send me jewelry but hey! they are gorgeous.
36 hours without a smoke, and lemme tell ya boys and ain't pretty. My skin is all itchy, I'm a bit confused and I snapped at everything that came into range today. I now know what a Blonde on her period feels like. Nettie is quitting also, but she's handling it better than I am. I slapped on a patch this morning. This really really sucks.
Oh , btw, I got the results back on my blood work.
First day without a cig went fairly smooth. Got the jitters this evening. Trying not to eat too much.
I was hungry after all the drinking the night before. The toad was for dessert. Yum!!
so mel... to recap,
Say an extra prayer for Brian ... his best friend was killed in a car accident Friday night.
UH OH!!! MISSY"S dating again.....lock up the chillins and critters!!!
good start, Mel :D
Yay me! I'm past the 1/2-way point! I've lost 22 pounds & only have 15 more to reach my ultimate goal!
Hooray for you, Tam.
Told ya. I prepared so nothing much happened. Not even that much rain. No trees down and still have power this morning :D I feel for North Carolina though!
18!?! Holy shit!
September and I share one and I am twice her age. Ceeerap!!
I'm never online at home... hardly. The kids have taken over our home pc. They actually have a contract between them, drafted by Ed, divvying up the time between after school and bedtime which they have all signed. Funny, Rich and I actually own the computer and there is no timeslot for either of us. Speaking of. Ed will be SIXTEEN (ohmygod) in a couple weeks and we got him a computer so he'll have his own, with internet, so then maybe Richard and I can buyout his timeslot and use, you know, OUR computer?
Keeping you in our prayers, too. Be safe! And stay online as long as you power so I don't worry. K? (Actually, I'll probably worry anyway. I'm good at it.)
I've got bottled water, flashlight batteries (and flashlights, duh), candles, plenty of canned food (and a manual can opener), big dead tree that hung over the house was removed this summer, first aid kit is somewhere accessible, gutters are cleaned out, patio furniture etc will be in the garage tonight, filling up the gas tanks after work. Hey, wonder if you could use pool water for cooking if you had to. Could certainly use it for washing up at any rate. Last hurricane around here (Floyd) and our neighborhood was under water and even the houses that weren't flooded had no power or drinking water for awhile.
hmmmm.... there may be some obvious conclusions to be drawn from this story. weenies = bald guys
There were three babies in a woman's womb, and they were discussing what
I appreciate that Leisl...even this morning J.T. said he needs to lose some weight too.
OK ... here's just a few with good info & great recipes:
Cathy - Good luck with the surgery. Have they set a date for you, yet? If you're looking for some yummy, healthy recipes I can post the links to some health sites that I frequent that have some good ones. I'm kinda paranoid about weight issues (duh, like ya'll didn't already know that about me) and all the health issues that arise from it. I'm so proud of you for taking control of yourself like this. It's a HUGE decision to make. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
I just read in the newspaper that Macks Inn is for sale. Anyone have the money to buy It? They are
Bummer!! Leisl!
I've shed a few tears today for John Ritter. I absolutely adored him.
I was so surprised to hear about the death of John Ritter.
I did the 12 hour fasting for the blood test and
I got jury duty once. I was in 4 pools and was rejected from every one. I wanted to convict somebody.
I was on a jury ...we convicted a drunk driver FYI if you ever get pulled over for DUI and you think you are drunk. refuse to take any feild tests and refuse the blood test. they get yiour license for a year but your gonna loose it anyway.
I can't take aspirin because I have a platelet dysfunction.
Cardiologists fear me.....Endoscopy clinicians cower in my presence, Lab analysers refuse to function at the sight of my body fluids.
Butt work ups? Heart issues? Blood pressure? Geez, you guys! Knock it off!
I'm sorry Cathy you have to take more medicine! And Frank isn't that nitro cool? It works so fast. I am glad I don't have to take it
Just got back from the doctor and I was afraid
Did I miss something? Who else has to get a butt workup? I'm still waiting on my referral. Geez! We all sound old. When the hell did that happen??
2 blockages one at 60% and one at 50%. They wouldn't do anything with them though. They wait for a 75% blockage before they will do anything. so I am eating nitro like candy.
Gooey clams? If you quit putting them up there, you wouldn't need the butt workup. OMG!
Frank, what did they ever find out why you had heart problems?
Curt does now know about the reunion. Sandy is checking to see when in August we can get another place to borrow so we can
uuummmmmm....excuse me? A butt workup?
Hey Leisl,
wow, deja vu'
With the average cost for a Nursing Home per day reaching $188.00, there is a better way when we get old & feeble.
and please, you guys... no more heart scares this year, ok? Dad, Frank, Jeannette... did I miss anyone? my prayer card is getting all worn out!
Does Curt ever check this blog? Is he in the loop for the reunion??? I'm gettin so dang excited and its nearly a year away. Everybody better stay healthy. We ALL have to be there!!!
Any weekend works for us as long as we have it nailed down by Christmas......Pick a weekend.
Hey George or Curt,
Hey... its noon on Tuesday . sounds like a song.