Political Rant ahead...consider yourself warned.
Here are a few of my thoughts on the State of our Union and why I have decided to vote for Obama next month.
DC is woefully corrupt. The politicians have perverted and warped our government into a quagmire to be truly ashamed of. No bills get passed unless or until enough politicians get their palms greased by corporations and special interests.
They'd rather give my social security to Wall Street than to me.
Health care is not only out of reach financially for many of us, but it's become a stale joke.
We keep paying terrorists for oil when we have plenty of our own.
I could go on and on.....
The whole thing is a stinking shit sandwich and they expect me not only to take a bite but to be grateful to them for preparing it for me.
I like McCain and think he'd do everything in his power to make things better in America, but I doubt he'll be able to affect the kind of change we need. With him as President he'll be in a constant battle with the partisan House and Congress to get even the toilet paper changed in DC. Regardless of his ideas and motives, he'll end up being ineffective at best.
Regardless of his campaign rhetoric, Obama epitomizes the problems in DC. I believe his solutions will only dig us deeper in the hole. He will however have the majority support and admiration of the lowest rated Congress in our history. Thats why I'm voting for him.
Most Americans are blinded to the problems in DC. It's like watching a football game where everyones cheering on their team, even though the players are a gang of overpaid, drugged up, cheating derelicts. They believe that the politicians might finally do the right things by us. They are drunk with hope and addicted to government control and just as an alcoholic needs to hit rock bottom before they can open their eyes and help themselves, we'll need to hit the bottom to finally stand up and force them to do the right things.
McCain will be able to keep us afloat but I believe Obama can help us get to the bottom and I believe he can do it in only one term. Maybe then will we require our representatives to represent us and not them. Perhaps then we'll tell them they have a single term in office and they can go back to their day jobs. Maybe if the lobbyists go bankrupt, the bribes will dry up and being a politician won't be so profitable.
"Change we need"? Bring it on!
Welcome to the dark side......We have cookies
My vote is goes to Obama for President of the United Socialistic States of America to include all of his 57 states (Mexico,Guatemala,Canada,etc.)
I've yet to make my decision on who to vote for. I don't like Obama, I don't trust McCain. I think both will take this country down in flames. I can't afford my taxes to go up much more, but they both want to tax us into oblivion. SOMEONE has to pay for their "programs", and that someone is us. Neither one has given any mention of how they will pay for those "programs".
I'm thinking *gasp* 3rd party. Or maybe just not voting and keeping my trap shut for the next 4 years.
There are people losing their homes. Their response? Give 700 Billion to the banks/lenders so they don't go tits up for making the bad credit decisions they made. Will this keep people from losing their homes? No. They'll still foreclose on the notes. You and I are going to get stuck with the bill for proping up these lenders.
It appears the new motto for this country is headed towards "To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities".
The 3 boxes for government change - the soapbox, the ballot box, the ammo box.
Stepping down from the soapbox now.
I don't like either candidate, either, and their choices for Veep even less. I detest politicians in general. And I hate election years and how otherwise intelligent people get so caught up in the "oh yeah, well, your guy sucks more" that they are happy to destroy any and all personal relationships in the process. It's stupid! It pisses me off. I don't like getting into to political discussions because of that very reason. It's not worth it. They're all asshats - the end.
Yes, I'm probably going 3rd party. I'm not sure which, probably Libertarian but I haven't decided for sure yet. All I know is regardless of who wins(?) this election - McPalin or OBiden - he will be the Herbert Hoover of our times. Thanks to the out-of-control lending that started back in the mid-90s (nope ... not Bush's fault this time) the country's going into recession/depression and government meddling will not fix it. Already, we have other states (Cali & Mass) lining up for their handout over & above the $700B bailout to the lending institutions that shouldn't be. It pisses me off. I'm sitting here right now trying to figure out how to pay my mortgage, buy gas & groceries, and keep my kids in shoes & clothes and I really don't give a rat's ass how many houses somebody else owns or who somebody else hung out with 35 years ago.
Obama's a communist. Biden's a smarmy liar. McCain's a hothead. And I don't like hockey. It really seems to me, as a people reader, that these people all just want the job title "Commander in Chief" but really have no clue about the real responsibility involved. They all treat it like a game to be won, not a job being applied for. It's like those stupid Bachelor reality tv shows where all they want is to win the guy, not the find the real thing. Turns my stomach. Seriously. Would you go into a job interview and instead of talking about how you'd be an asset and how you would benefit the company, tell the interviewers how much the other applicants suck? No, you wouldn't. That would be stupid. Well, guess what? The election IS a job interview and these "applicants" ARE stupid. So there.
I am an adult. I am capable of thinking for myself. I know what is best for my family and I know where I like my thermostat set, thank you very much.
And I am now going to go take a percocet and try to sleep off my headache.
BTW - Geo, great bit of writing! Had to read it a few times, then got the giggles. Good on ya!
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