Just in case anybody is planning on being in SLC - or decides to plan on being in SLC - for Pride week, the cast of The Rocky Horror Show LIVE in Concert (that's us!) has joined forces with MoDiggity's (a sports club for women) and will have a float in the Pride Parade Sunday June 8. So, I'll be riding on the float in full Magenta regalia. And we just happen to be looking for trannies & freaks & other Rocky fans who want to dress up on a Sunday morning to flit around our float passing out flyers for our show the following weekend. So ... if anybody just happens to be in SLC that day & wants to come play with the local GLBT & the people who love them .... :-)
Unfortunately, I believe the Acousticats have a house party gig that day. In fact, it looks like I'll be missing all Prides this year because the acousticats are gigging - and I'm working that day (June 14) - at the wine bar for Boise's Pride event. Andrea is going to SLC Pride with her girlfriend, but I'm pretty sure RHPS would be entirely too 'gay' for her.
Post Pictures! :)
If anybody takes 'em, I will. I'll be on the float, so I won't have the camera.
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