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Monday, March 13, 2006

As I may or may not have told you, Andrea and I are raising rabbits (to eat them - tastes like chicken without bird flu). Well, we bought 3 does and 1 buck awhile back and they are old enough to do the wild thing now, so we put the buck in with a doe and he just sat there. His name is George, by the way. Anyway, we thought maybe he just didn't fancy Beyonce so in he went with Latifah. No love there either, in fact she went after him like he'd just slept with her best friend, which he didn't, as I said a moment ago. So, we rescued him from Latifah's scorn and tried him out with Kit. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Finally, I had this bright idea and checked George's equipment - we'd only just taken the word of the breeder we bought him from after all and she WAS a little near sighted. Well, sure enough - George is Georgina! Breeder Woman swapped him/her for a genuine male who is promised to be very interested in our 3 very sassy gal bunnies - in about 4 months. Updates forthcoming... or not.


At 1:05 AM, Blogger Ami_Norml said...

Make sure you double check the equipment this time! Georgina probably has a complex now...

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Tami Jean said...

She probably figured we thought she was a lesbian.


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