I would like to know if I am the only one of the kids who is given the Senior Discount at restaurants without asking for it? This has happened to me twice and after complaining both time I was told.
"That's OK you look like you are old enough." how insulting is that.
Crap, No! I still get carded to buy alcohol from time to time. I like the card if you look under 30 thang. I guess you are just old. tee hee
Soon ---- very soon, you will be demanding your senior's discount. You ALL will. nyuk.
Not me, unc! I will be 27 FOREVER!!!!!!
I'm still waiting for my AARP membership invitation. I'm 50 now!(Which I heard is the new 30!!)
I thought you WERE old enough for the senior discount, bro. :-P
I never get carded for anything, one way or another.
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