Skinny on George: This AM he had a cardiac cath which progressed to angioplasti and placement of a stenth (Maybe two - not sure). Doing well from that and should go home tomorrow (Friday). Better news is that his MRI/ct on his suspected brain aneurism turned out to be negative. Now they have to figure out what the pain/dizzy/memory loss is all about. Other than a migraine, Nettie is coming down off the ceiling. Frightening time for her.
I just got home from the hospital.
They did the cath yesterday morning. Found that my previous stent had stenosis on both sides, so they performed angioplaty on my left coronary artery. They also did agioplasty on 2 smaller branches of the same artery. After that, they did angioplasty on my circumvent artery, which didn't respond, so they placed a stent there.
They didn't have to shock me this time...which is a good thing. I'll be on beta blockers, thinners and lipitor forever.
He expects that my left coronary will eventually close back up again, and hinted that a bypass is in my future.
I make a terrible patient, but I tried to be good this time. The ICU nurses don't like me much I fear.
I'm glad you're home. Are they giving a bulk discount on all the plasties? I'm thinkin' they should.
You just be good, now, and rest & follow doctor's & wife's instructions to the letter.
Love you!
glad you're doin alright geo. Take care of yourself, k? You're too young for this chit.
Glad you are home safe bro. If you haven't yet quit smokin it may help. as for the meds it ain't that bad takin them. Glad you are still with us.
Good to see you online already. Well be out geocaching before you know it. Take care bro cya soon
Glad everything is okay. Was worried about you.
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