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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Went to my cardio appt today. We've scheduled a heart cath for thurs morning. My new doc is aware of the complications during my last cath, so hopefully things will go smoother.

They also wanted to do a head CT, so I had that done this afternoon. The doc thinks I may have a brain aneurysm. I need to have a repeat CT tomorrow morning to rule this out. If it's positive, we'll have to see how severe it is to decide on a treatment. This probably explains my sudden headaches and memory loss.

Jeanette is shitting bricks, so any positive thoughts or prayers you can send her way would be appreciated.


At 10:29 AM, Blogger Ronnie said...

Jeanette, I have always used George as a gauge to measure how much I should worry about someone's health. He is around this stuff all the time. So when he says don't freek out.. Then I don't

Geo, How'd the followup CT go this morning? Are you maintaining the equipment the're using on you? You'd let me know if I should freek out or not right?

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Leisl said...

Prayers & positive thoughts coming your way! Keep informed of what's going on. OK? Love ya!

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Geo said...

The followp mri was negative, so it doesn't look like an aneurysm. My heart cath is scheduled for tomorrow. I'll keep you updated.

At 10:24 AM, Blogger Leisl said...

Thank God, no aneurysm! Somebody let us know on the cath. I'll be praying, cuz!


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