I just got back from my doctor. I'll have to do some physical therapy for my shoulder. It's apparently a tendon thing.
She was glad I was in for the shoulder because she was going to ask me to come in anyway "to discuss my lab results". I thought that was kinda weird since I got my copy and they looked better to me. I had the good the bad and the ugly all mixed up :( last year my total cholesterol was 218 (HDL: 39 LDL: 138) my new results are total 242 (HDL:34 LDL:195) triglycerides were 202 now they are 65. I now have in my pocketbook a scrip for cholesterol meds (Zocor or something like that) This was all so incredibly disheartening after how hard I've been working with the diet and the exercise.
And my PAP was bad and I've got to go in for a something-oscopy (they're gonna look at my cervix with a tiny camera) and maybe biopsy if anything is odd. Doc said the cells from my PAP are "changing", whatever that means. My doctor is asian and sometimes I can't understand her very well. But she comes in and says "your PAP is back" only I thought she might have said "your PAP is bad" so I say, wait, you did say BACK and not BAD, right? and instead of her saying something like yeah, yeah BACK, she sorta looks down and then is all "50% probably of the women I see with your "condition" it turns out to be nothing. KRIKEY! I say... only 50%? what about the other 50%? what is it if it isn't nothing? and so she says, cervical cancer is curable, if the further tests show anything we'll move on to the next step then. At least I think that's what she said. If I had any spine at all I would request an "English is not my second language" doctor so things like "cancer" and "no cancer" are pretty much crystal clear. Because right now I'm at home with a husband in a place where its already tomorrow and my nearest friend lives like a hundred miles away and I'm pretty much thinking that I've got a 50/50 chance of hearing the big "C" word in relation to myself from my doctor and Richard's cell phone rings and rings and then some Taiwanese recording tells me what button to push to leave a message, I think thats what she is probably saying, but since I don't understand Taiwanese I don't have a clue. Clueless.
Holy Hannah!!! In one stupid, annual, always a pain in the ass for nothing, routine checkup - when I'm feeling particularly healthy thankyouverymuch - I get skyrocketing cholesterol, cervical cancer scare and "nuthin we can do to heal your shoulder any quicker" But hey, at least my blood pressure isn't any higher. At least it wasn't BEFORE the lab result discussion.
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