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Sunday, September 07, 2008

I'm glad we all like our candidates. It does feel good to have a candidate that you really relate to and that espouses views very like your own. My candidate supports my tree hugging, peace loving, got my gay on, let a woman choose, take care of the weakest among us self. I'm proud of my American values.

Palin in particular could never be "my" candidate though, despite her hottie-ness and go get 'em gumption - I do actually admire her gumption. Her church is having a "pray away the gay" conference and based on her defense of marriage support I'm pretty sure she agrees with her pastor. I'm also all for repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell - it's a bunch of bull anyway. I served honorably and I'm proud of my service. I was hot for girls back then, hell I'm in a relationship right now with her. The only security risk it poses is the need to hide your sexuality. And if they could be open, at least you'd know.

I definitely disagree with abstinence only sex ed - I think it's a disservice to our teens. Why not give them all their options - including abstinence. I don't give a rat's patootie that Palin's kid is pregnant. That's her own row to hoe.

Drilling in Alaska is a stop-gap measure and tree-hugger that I am I'd really like us to get serious about renewable fuels. We have the technology to fuel our cars on dozens of things OTHER THAN fossil fuels. Why not use it?

To be completely honest, it isn't so much that I can't stand McCain/Palin or anything like that. It's just that I'm fed up with having fundamentalist beliefs thrust on me and being used against me. I'm hardly a one-issue voter, but seriously, how can I NOT look at how the LGBT rights issue(s) affect me personally. Even when nothing is done, all the attention drawn to it all just riles up the people who think they can pray me straight and makes my life more difficult than it would be if I was allowed to just live my life. Am I the only one that thinks its ridiculous that I have to check my employer's anti-discrimination policy because the federal one and all but 6 of the State's policies don't cover my orientation? Consider what it's like to wage a constant vigil on pronouns and live 40 hours a week back in that closet or risk reprecussions in the workplace for which I have no recourse? I've already been moved around one office because some bible-thumper was uncomfortable and would have been canned if the office manager hadn't vetoed it. I'd like to have the automatic hetero privilege that comes with a marriage certificate. I'm willing in the meantime to commit privately and do up dozens of legal forms to get 1/3 of those "rights". My problem with that whole can of worms is that I don't think the State should marry ANYBODY. Civil Unions for all and let the churches do the "marrying." Seems like that'd be fair.


At 7:33 PM, Blogger Bill said...

Well put Tami. It is high time all of our rights are proffered to all americans equally.


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