I keep thinking of the children ... of my children ...
Please, help however you can.
Here's a list of other organizations that are sending aide and accepting donations.
Here's a list of other organizations sending aide and accepting donations.
Thanks, Le. Also remember - a lot of companies (like the one I work for) match dollar for dollar on all donations to non-profit groups. Check with your company.
As a side note, one of my friends was at one of the resorts that was demolished with her family and left 2 days before the tsunami hit. They are safe in Northern India where they are stationed. I am so relieved that Ken's leave was not 2 days longer. They made friends with a number of people at the resort that probably perished. Remember both the survivors and those that didn't as well as their families in your prayers.
General Electric matches our contributions 100% up to $2500.00
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