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Friday, September 24, 2004

I had hoped this would be an audio blog from the event, but I forgot my phone in the car. Doh!

This is your favorite bleeding heart liberal tree hugging sister/cousin here, recently returned from the City of Brotherly Love. I took a vacation day from work and spent the day at a Kerry rally at Univ. of Penn. I got to be right up front with my special red colored "veteran for kerry" ticket. I actually shook the hand of the man I hope is the next President of the US :) I've never been to a political rally and I really enjoyed it. I know probably most of you disagree with me, but I like Kerry and agree with most of his ideas. I don't trust Dubya and never have. Anyway, I'm going to go call people in Iowa now to get volunteers to help in the voter registration drive there :)

Kerry On :p



At 1:01 PM, Blogger Ronnie said...

Sounds like fun, Wish I could have been there

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Jeannette said...

Tami, we also will be voting along with you for Kerry. Along with my children. Dusty had a government program in school last year and they discussed both sides and he
decided democrat seemed a little bit better. So, now there is 4 more votes for him.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Geo said...

I could never vote for Kerry. Color it with any kind of spin that you like, but by his own admission, he met with and encouraged the North Vietnamese leadership while an officer in the USNR during a time of active war. Twice. That is called treason.

It would be the same thing as if an officer in Baghdad met with Bin Laden and offered his support.

Unforgivable in my mind, worse than Hanoi Jane...at least she was a civilian.

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Tami Jean said...

I guess I see it differently. Hope you can still love me :)

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Geo said...

We all make mistakes from time to time. I'll still love you sis, even if Hanoi John wins. ;)

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Leisl said...

We're NOT Kerry people here, either. Blech! I have my issues with GW, but "lesser of two evils" & all.

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Bush supporter here. Kerry can't make up his mind on much. I don't trust flip flops on my feet or in office.

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Older Guy said...

I'm so proud of my service to this country of ours to guarantee my childrens' right to disagree politically and still have love for each other. For you Kerry supporters, good luck. We will all need it if he wins. lol
P.S. contrary to what Kerry said under oath, I never tortured, maimed, or dismembered any vietcong I came across and there were several.

At 6:48 AM, Blogger Tami Jean said...

I never thought you did, Dad.

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

But Uncle Frank, will you do it to some of our ex husbands????


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