Cathy - it's all about me don't you know? :p j/k of course I know you're bummed too. The way life gets in the way of our fun really sucks sometimes.
Today is the dreaded gyno appt again. I hate them now. Pray for a normal PAP for me. I don't want to go through all that crap again this time around. Richard made me a list of concerns to ask the doctor about as well. Top of that list... why has my previously barely perceptible case of CRS gotten to be nearly debilitating. I swear I can't remember the simplest things. I took a pound of hamburger out of the freezer last week and put it in the microwave to thaw like I usually do (don't turn it on or anything, its just a small enclosed space useful for thawing things without the cats getting at it) Yeah, well 3 DAYS LATER when I go to heat up some coffee I remember it! I'm on the planning committee for Sandy's 8th grade graduation dance. a couple weeks ago I spent the morning emailing back and forth with the other people on my committee arranging an organizing meeting for THAT NIGHT. Yeah, so I sat at home all night trying to remember WHAT I'd forgotten to do today. Once upon a time people may have described me as somewhat organized, reliable, never late to things. I'm much more likely to be described nowadays as UNorganized, UNreliable, perpetually tardy, and ... in brief ... BLONDE. Can't tell you how many orthodontic appts etc have been missed because I forgot about them (even though I've got a family calendar and a palm pilot that I put absolutely everything in) And *I'm* expected to keep my ADD boss and son on task and focused? That's a laugh!
Also, probably tmi, but God only knows when I'm going to get my monthly visitor anymore - or how long its going to stay. And just when I think she's left the building ... nope not quite yet.
We won't even discuss my sex drive. Nothing to talk about anyway.
Sounds hormonal, don't it? I think so. They can do something about that, right?
Anyway, my rant is over. Back to your regularly scheduled blog.
Welcome to the wonderful world of PERIMENOPAUSE!
Memory loss, low libido, abdominal bloat, terminal exhaustion, hot flashes, chest pains, acne ... yup. Sounds all to familiar to me. Sucks!
There are a lot of options available to ease the symptoms - HRT, herbals, etc. I refuse HRT due to the increased cancer risk associated with it. I tried Remifemin but it made me severely depressed & bitchy. So I'm just riding it. I drink a lot of Tension Tamer tea & water & take B6 supplement if things get too bad. Other than that, well ... I consider it puberty in reverse. Gets really fun when Ra is hormonal, too. Oooooo, boy! Poor Brian. What a patient man he is.
TMI Tami
And what is normal about a PAP smear? even the name gives me the heebeegeebees eww!
Tami I love you, but I never want to hear about your Period ever again :) ((Tami)) Hope your PAP feels better
Once again, I am eternally thankful that I have a penis.
What exactly is CRS? and I to am grateful to the creator for the overload of testosterone he has given me.
Bill, CRS = Can't Remember Shit
And thanks all for youse support ;)
Doc is testing my estrogen level, thyroid, CBC, and god knows what else. She's ordered about a dozen tests including my cholesterol update. I go back in a couple weeks to review all results.
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